Thursday, August 20, 2009

py2rhino - modules

The graphic objects, as well as some other entities have been defined as classes since this works well for them. However, for some other functions, defining everything in a class would be over the top. So, in these cases, the functions are simply placed inside some python modules.

For example, in py2rhino there is a package called util. This contains a module named 'vector' and 'point', both of which contain a useful set of functions to work with vectors and points. For example you can get the cross product of two vectors like this

import py2rhino as p2r
v1 = (3,8,1)
v2 = (4,4,9)
v3 = p2r.util.vector.cross_product(v1, v2)

In order to avoid having to do so much typing, I tend to import these modules separately, like this:

import py2rhino.util.vector as v
v1 = (3,8,1)
v2 = (4,4,9)
v3 = v.cross_product(v1, v2)

Some other useful functions in the vector module are unitize (which forces the vector to be 1 unit long), and scale (which scales the vector by a certain amount).

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